Thornton Stanley, Founder of Stanley Construction Company, Inc. was elected to the Alabama AGC Hall of Fame in 2019. The Alabama AGC established the Alabama Construction Hall of Fame to honor and recognize outstanding individuals in the construction industry. These individuals are held in esteem by their peers and have demonstrated their professionalism through active support of the industry through their civic and community involvement. In short, only those who have literally changed the landscape of our state and nation will be enshrined in the Alabama Construction Hall of Fame.
Mr. Al Stanley, Stanley Construction Company Inc., Delivers Senate Testimony on 21st Century Investments in September 2018

Wanda Stanley was highlighted by the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce for Women in Construction Week.

We have another outstanding Woman in Construction to highlight! Wanda Stanley-Rice is a vice president at the family-run Stanley Construction Company, Inc. As a Civil Engineering graduate of the University of Alabama, Wanda literally learned the family business from the ground up by spending her initial summers performing field layouts, setting grade stakes, and estimating small projects. From there she graduated, enrolled in continuing education courses at UA and UAH in procurement and contract law, and eventually took on greater responsibilities that led to her position today. Using creativity and engineering skills to transform nature into anything from reservoirs to government testing facilities has kept her gratified in her craft for 39 years. She holds a Master of Religion degree and is Youth Ministry Director and a director in the drama ministry at Progressive Union M.B. Church.

In June 2022, This Is Alabama featured a story about Al Stanley and shared his journey in the, family-owned, construction business. The article walks you through the timeline of Mr. Stanley working on stretches of Interstate 565 in Huntsville when he was just 13 years old to becoming the Vice President of Project Management for Stanley Construction.
Read the original article on This Is Alabama

Congratulations to our VP Finance and Marketing, Karen Stanley, on her appointment to the Forever Wild Land Trust of Alabama.